Labiodental Plosive

teeth to lips

Labiodental Plosive


Upper Front Teeth
Lower Lip

Labio means lips and dental means teeth. The sound is made by stopping then suddenly releasing air between the upper teeth and the lower lip.

Place of Articulation

The following diagram shows where the Labiodental Plosive is made in the mouth.

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The Labiodental Plosive is used in the following sounds:

BZZKTT Version 8.2 • © 2015-2020 Gavin 'Beatbox' Tyte (aka TyTe) • All Rights Reserved

BZZKTT is kindly hosted by Alex Tearse from Reefnet.

Special thanks to Alex Tearse, Paul Arnett, Michael Wyatt, Tyler Thompson, Helen Tyte, David 'Goznet' Gosnell, and Jerusalem Productions.