Lesson 4 – Part 3 – Blocking Airways


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#1. When you breathe, air can flow through?

When you breathe, air can flow through both the mouth and the nose, but it is possible to breathe only through your mouth or your nose!


#2. A Velar Stop prevents airflow through…?

Did you know?

You can also stop airflow through the mouth using a Bilabial Stop (lips pressed together), a Palatal Stop (tongue pressed to the hard palate), or even a Uvular Stop (tongue pressed against the uvular – like snoring).


#3. A Nasopharyngeal Stop prevents airflow through…?

The Nasopharyngeal Stop blocks airflow to the nose. This happens when you breathe only through your mouth. The uvula (represented by the circle) presses against the throat (represented by the vertical line).


#4. Which of these iconophonics is a Velar Stop?

The Velar Stop is between the Soft Palate (represented by the wiggly line) and the Tongue (represented by the curved line) being pressed together.


#5. Which of these iconophonics is a Nasopharyngeal Stop

The Nasopharyngeal Stop is when the Uvula (circle) is pressed against the Throat (vertical line).


#6. Which of these sets of iconophonics represents holding your breath?

When you hold your breath with your mouth open you are preventing air flowing through the mouth using a Velar Stop and preventing air from flowing through your nose using a Nasopharyngeal Stop.


#7. The Velar Stop is between which two mouth parts?


#8. The Nasopharyngeal Stop is between which two mouth parts?



BZZKTT Version 8.2 • © 2015-2020 Gavin ‘Beatbox’ Tyte (aka TyTe) • All Rights Reserved

BZZKTT is kindly hosted by Alex Tearse from Reefnet.

Special thanks to Alex Tearse, Paul Arnett, Michael Wyatt, Tyler Thompson, Helen Tyte, David ‘Goznet’ Gosnell, and Jerusalem Productions.